Unlocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting: 5 Methods and 3 Surprising Key Benefits

Fasting has been a part of many cultures for thousands of years. It has been part of many religions and societies. To fast is to avoid food for a certain period. Fasting is done by a large number of people and right now, a big community is available that is doing fasting purely for the health purpose that it delivers. Intermittent fasting has become a go-to option for various reasons. It is a sensible method for those who are looking to lose some weight. Gaining weight is easy but to lose it is a whole new task.

Please keep in mind that it takes time and it is very important to take steps on time otherwise once the body starts to gain fat, it keeps on gaining more fat which in turn makes it quite difficult to lose weight. People also do fasting because they want to keep a check on their diet and wants to cut off unhealthy food. They use fasting to kill the craving for such foods. Intermittent fasting is alternating between the period of eating food and fasting. There are different methods of achieving results by intermittent fasting and all of these methods are to be followed depending on the need during the intermittent fasting.

Methods of intermittent fasting

12-hour fasting: This method is quite popular. In this, A person fasts constantly for 12 hours or more for some time. This method is incredible for those who are looking to lose some weight as during fasting the body turns the fat into ketones. It helps those who are trying to lose weight.
16:8 method: Another popular method, a person fasts for 16 hours and then breaks it for 8 hours and again continues. This method is taken up by those who are finding no results with the 12-hour method or want to try something else.
5:2 Fasting: Another popular method, you eat like you normally do for 5 days straight, then limit your calorie intake to 500 calories for two straight days. This method is great for those who are finding it hard to fast for a longer period and can not stay away from food. This method has also been proven to be successful in cutting the calories from the diet and making it healthier.
Overnight Fasting: This is the easiest of all the methods for fasting. Here you eat food early like say 7 pm and have your next meal at 7 am the next morning. This is a common method to achieve the goals of fasting without putting much burden on the body.
Alternate day fasting: Another option that is great for the health of the heart and for those who are looking to shed some extra kilos, this method involves fasting for every alternate day. You fast one day and then have a normal eating day and then continue with the next day. This method is easy and simple.

Intermittent fasting benefits

  • Weight loss: A major reason why people resort to intermittent fasting, is a person can lose up to 13% of their extra weight by doing fasting. It is an easy way that doesn’t require any special gear and is easy to adopt. As everyone knows food is a big culprit when it comes to having and maintaining a good weight, to diet is to lose the weight nicely. As stated above, many different ways are too fast, and depending on the need, any of the above methods should be chosen.
  • Better mental health: Fasting is not only beneficial for weight management or muscles, it is also great for mental health. The studies done on the mice have shown that intermittent fasting has shown better learning, and finer ability to learn things. This means that fasting can be great for the memory and not only for the physical health. Fasting has also shown that it can have a great effect on those who have mental issues like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or stroke. While the research is new and needs more time, it still has a positive effect on people.
  • Better sleep: Having good sleep is a must if anyone wants to have good health. Eating food at an irregular time can disturb sleep time. With good fasting, a person can sleep better and can avoid issues like insomnia. So anyone who wants to sleep at a good time, having constant fasting is a great way to have a good and sound sleep.

Importance of diet

Intermittent Fasting And Why Is It Good For The Health

So we know the benefits of intermittent fasting but there’s one thing that should be equally given importance, the diet. No matter how long you are going on with your diet, if you don’t follow the diet properly, you’ll have no positive effect on it. Without a proper diet, fasting can do no good. It is important to have a diet between the fasting period that should be low in fat, and high in protein and fiber. The high carbohydrate intake should also be cut off. Avoiding food like bread, sugar, and certain milk products like butter is necessary. It is a must to have a diet that is full of pulses, grains, and vegetables.

A proper dietary approach is important to achieve the full benefits of intermittent fasting Beans are also a great option but only in low quantity. They are a great way to keep the diet healthy and tasty. Also, certain types of meat like fish can be considered but it depends on the goals if you are planning to lose weight but to sustain the muscles, having low-fat meat like fish or chicken is a good option. Other options like soya beans, paneer, and oats are good alternatives for vegetarians. The goal is to avoid food that is heavy in fats like deep-fried food items, dairy-heavy food items, and other fatty foods. By keeping a check on the diet, the result of the fasting will surely be positive.

Staying Hydrated

Intermittent Fasting And Why Is It Good For The Health

It is very important to be hydrated while doing the fasting. It is a must to avoid getting dehydrated while fasting. If we fast without any intake of water, it can be quite harmful. It can cause effects like dizziness, nausea, and low blood pressure. This way, we have to keep up with our fasting. If we stay dehydrated, it will harm our health, and can be quite uncomfortable to continue fasting. For hydration, only plain water or lime water should be taken. High-caffeine energy drinks should be avoided so are other caffeine products like coffee. They can spike the blood pressure during fast and can also cause fatigue. Having lukewarm water is the best option to consider during hours of fasting.

Physical activity

While fasting, it is also crucial to keep the body healthy. One way to do it is to indulge in light physical activity like walking or cycling. Other activities like yoga are also a reasonable option to keep the mind peaceful and more focused. Heavy activities like weight training should be avoided during fasting as they can cause dehydration and can intervene in fasting by limiting the energy of the body. Fasting is an incredible option and when done with light physical activities, it can enhance the positives of fasting like losing weight more quickly. It is necessary to always take a break and limit the time of exercise if they are interfering with the whole fasting process.

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