Understanding the BCA Syllabus Avadh University – Semester I Paper BCA101 T Unit II

Semester I BCA Syllabus BCA101 T – Programming Principles Using Python for better understanding.

Semester I Paper BCA101 T Unit II:

Introduction to Python Programming:


This topic provides an introductory overview of Python programming, focusing on essential concepts and skills necessary for computer science students. Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language known for its readability and ease of use. This course aims to equip students with a solid foundation in Python programming, enabling them to write basic programs and solve simple computational problems.


  1. Familiarize students with the Python programming environment, including the Python interpreter and the concept of indentation.
  2. Introduce students to Python’s fundamental elements, such as identifiers, keywords, literals, numbers, and strings.
  3. Enable students to understand and apply various types of operators in Python, including arithmetic, relational, boolean, assignment, ternary, and bitwise operators.
  4. Teach students how to construct and evaluate expressions using Python’s operators.


Introduction to Python

  • Overview of Python as a programming language
  • Installation of Python and setting up the development environment
  • Introduction to the Python interpreter and Python shell
  • Python’s code indentation and formatting

Identifiers, Keywords, and Variables

  • Understanding identifiers and naming conventions
  • Identifying Python keywords and their significance
  • Declaring and using variables in Python
  • Data types and variable assignment

Literals, Numbers, and Strings

  • Different types of literals in Python (numeric, string, boolean)
  • Working with numeric data types (integers, floats)
  • Manipulating strings and string operations
  • String formatting and concatenation

Operators and Expressions

  • Arithmetic Operators: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, exponentiation
  • Relational Operators: Comparison and logical operations (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=)
  • Boolean Operators: Logical AND, OR, NOT
  • Assignment Operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=
  • Ternary Operator: Conditional expressions (if-else shorthand)
  • Bitwise Operators: Bitwise AND, OR, XOR, left shift, right shift

Control Structures

  • Conditional Statements: if, else, elif
  • Loops: while, for, break, continue
  • Working with Lists: Introduction to lists, list operations, list comprehensions
  • Functions: Defining functions, function parameters, and return values

Recommended Textbook:

  • “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes (or equivalent Python introductory book).


  • None, although a basic understanding of computer science concepts is beneficial.


The course syllabus and schedule are subject to change at the discretion of the University. Students are advised to consult the university website for updates and additional resources.

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